


Liu Cunzhou, a 14-year-old student in the eighth grade of Adcote junior high school, was overjoyed to learn that he was shortlisted for the national finals of the 19th Asian Games bilingual reporter training camp in the 21st Century Cup: "ah, I am shortlisted for the national finals! Great!” He happily held the hand of his instructor, Ms. Pan, and his emotion was beyond expression. All the teachers and students of Adcote warmly applauded


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What kind of competition is the 21st Century Cup Asian Games bilingual reporter training camp? Why does a school pay so much attention to it? What does it mean for a student to enter the national finals? With these questions, we interviewed Ms. Pan Xuan, the leader of the English department of Adcote School Suzhou.

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Ms. Pan is a senior teacher who has eight years of International English teaching experience and has led many students to win prizes in international competitions. She told us that “China Daily's “21st Century Cup " National English speech contest series is a highly academic and well-organised English learning contest in China. The winners of the contest each year represent the highest level of Chinese students' Comprehensive English speech ability. The competition series has been officially and widely recognised by dozens of domestic, well-known and independent enrollment colleges and universities, nearly 100 well-known foreign language schools and key middle schools. Students can apply for preferential treatment such as preferential interview qualification or bonus points at different stages (junior high school / Senior High School / University) with their final award certificates. The training camp for bilingual student journalists of the Asian Games will select and train excellent bilingual young journalists for the Asian Games in Hangzhou. It is the most respected and valued competition in China."


In addition to Liu Cunzhou of junior high school group, Zhang Xujiong of the senior high school group also entered the national finals. When we wanted to know more about this classmate with our excitement and admiration, we learned that he enjoyed practicing guitar in his spare time. I learned from his tutor Alex, that Zhang Xujiong had to prepare for the AS exams in mathematics, economics and physics this year, which is quite stressful. From the window of the piano room, we saw a tall, thin and handsome boy, using his beloved guitar to convey his wonderful life in Adcote.  






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Other students who participated are; Zhao Taoxi, Hua Yufan, Jia Jiejin, long Yian, Mao Xiang, Tang zhouchi from junior high school and Liu Linrui, Zhou Jiaqi, Dong Meiyu, Huang yijingrou, Lu Sijia, Zhang Qianyi, Zhu Wentao, Chen Yufan, Li Yunjin, Liu Ruiying from senior high school.


We interviewed Ms. Pan Xuan, Liu Cunzhou tutor, and Ms. Guo Yanping, Zhang Xujiong’s tutor. What are the characteristics of these two students who are shortlisted in the national finals?


Ms. Pan Xuan: "Liu Cunzhou has a great love for English language learning. He is always the most active in English class. After class, he is keen on any English related activities, such as English hosting and speaking. Nothing is left behind by him. His confident smile and fluent oral English are standards for other students. He also uses his spare time to help other students with their English and correct their pronunciation. He is affectionately known as "Mr Liu". Although he is only a sophomore in junior high school, he has begun to study English in international high school, and self-study higher-level content, which is a benchmark for all junior high school students to learn English." 


Ms. Guo Yanping: "Zhang Xujiong is a proper literary youth, he really enjoys reading. His authentic oral expressions and English thinking make him stand out in his English classes as soon as he entered our school. His reading of English original works is extensive, and he likes to find new ways of thinking and opens up new dimensions for himself through vocabulary. His academic English writing can be regarded as a role model for other students; and he does not rigidly adhere to one fixed writing style. He is good at using advanced vocabulary and sentence patterns create a relaxed and beautiful prosaic style. His future is bright. I hope he can share his enthusiasm and thinking on a higher platform."
